Key Technology Labolatory
Tomohiro Oda


2017 PhD in Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan
2010- Software Research Associates, Inc., Key Technology Laboratory
2007-2010 SRA Key Technology Laboratory, Inc.
2006-2007 Software Research Associates, Inc.
1999-2006 Software Research Associates, Inc. Boulder Institute, Boulder, Colorado, USA
1994-1999 Software Research Associates, Inc.
1994 M.S. in Computer Science, Kyushu University, Japan
1992 B.S. in Computer Sciece and Communication Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan


Year Name Description Language
2015- ViennaTalk
形式的仕様記述言語VDM-SLのメタ開発環境 Pharo Smalltalk
2014- Jun4Pharo
(Project page)
Pharo port of Jun Pharo Smalltalk
2013- JSONUtil
(Project Page)
A simple JSON reader/writer library for VDM-SL VDM-SL
2013- VCParser
(Project Page)
A simple combinatory parser library for VDM-SL VDM-SL
2013-2015 VDMPad
(Project Page)
A simple web IDE for VDM-SL Smalltalk(Squeak), JavaScript
2013- Tekka
(Project Page)
A mode-less Japanese Input Method Smalltalk(Squeak, Pharo)
2013- Markleft
(paper (in Japanese))
A prototype for generating, managing and comparing alternatives for wording and expressions while writing Smalltalk(Squeak)
(Project Page)
A prototyping-oriented library for expression-based FFI programming Smalltalk(Pharo,Squeak)
2011-2012 Dynagraph
(paper (in Japanese))
A Prototype for enriching text editing experience by dynamically presenting the text analysis information Smalltalk(Squeak)
2011-2013 Pcard Poly-centric and asymetric information delivery using recommender algorithms Smalltalk(Pharo,Squeak)
2011- HoneyGinger
(Project Page)
Interactive Fluid-Dynamics Simulation Environment Smalltalk(Pharo,Squeak)
2006-2007 Phantasmic Shadows
IDE extention to recommend source codes, web pages and text files using non-intrusive presentation Smalltalk(Squeak2)
2004-2006 NaturalSmalltalk
A tiny natural language processing library including Bag-of-Words, tfidf and Naive Bayes classifiers Smalltalk(Squeak)
2003-2004 cSuite
(In Japanese)
Community support system based on information gathering, interpretation and re-presentation for individuals Python
1999-2000 Eds 3D Terrain modeling and simulation environment Smalltalk(VisualWorks)
1996- Jun
(Project Page)
implemented OpenGL Interfaces, 3D rendering, Computational Geometries, Solid Models including BREPS and Metaballs, and etc. Smalltalk(VisualWorks)

Technical Interests

Programming Languages
Smalltalk(VisualWorks, GemStone/S, Squeak, Pharo)
Programming Paradigms
Formal Specification(Z notation,VDM)
Object Orientation (a.k.a. Dynabook)
Machine Learning
Information Retrieval and Recommenders
Natural Language Processing

Papers and Presentations

  • T. Oda, K. Araki, ViennaTalk: An Integrated Specification Environment Focused on the Early Stage of the Formal Specification Phase (in Japanese), Computer Software, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 4_129-4_143, Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, Nov, 2017.
  • T. Oda, Exploratory Modeling in Formal Specification, PhD dissertation, Kyushu University, September, 2017.
  • T. Oda, K. Araki and P.G. Larsen, Debugging Auto-Generated Code with Source Specification in Exploratory Modeling, In proceedings of the 15th Overture Workshop: New Capabilities and Applications for Model-based Systems Engineering, Newcastle, September, 2017.
  • T. Oda, K. Araki and P.G. Larsen, A Formal Modeling Tool for Exploratory Modeling in Software Development, IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 100, No. 6, pp. 1210-1217, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, June, 2017.
  • T. Oda, K. Araki and P.G. Larsen, Automated VDM-SL to Smalltalk Code Generators for Exploratory Modeling, In Proceedings of the 14th Overture Workshop: Towards Analytical Tool Chains, pp. 48-62, Cyprus, November, 2016.
  • T. Oda, K. Araki and P. G. Larsen, ViennaTalk and Assertch: Building Lightweight Formal Methods Environments on Pharo 4, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies, pp. 4:1-4:7, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug, 2016.
  • 小田朋宏, 荒木啓二郎, VDM-SL仕様からのSmalltalkプログラムの自動生成, ソフトウェアシンポジウム2016論文集, pp.1-10, 米子, Jun 6-8, 2016 (Best Paper Award)
  • T. Oda, Y. Yamamoto, K. Nakakoji, K. Araki and P. G. Larsen, VDM Animation for a Wider Range of Stakeholders, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Overture Workshop, pp.18-32, Oslo, Nov, 2015
  • 小田朋宏, 荒木啓二郎, VDM-SL 実行可能仕様による Web API プロトタイピング環境, ソフトウェアシンポジウム2015論文集, pp.20-25, 和歌山, Jun 15-17, 2015
  • T. Oda, K. Araki and P. G. Larsen, VDMPad: a lightweight IDE for exploratory VDM-SL specification, Proceedings of the Third FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE'15), pp.33-39, Florence, May 15, 2015
  • Hiroko SATOH, T. Oda, K. Nakakoji, T. Uno, S. Iwata, K. Ohno, "Maizo"-chemistry Project: toward Molecular- and Reaction Discovery from Quantum Mechanical Global Reaction Route Mappings, Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan, Vol. 14 (2015) No. 3 Special Issue: Selected Papers from the Annual Spring Meeting 2015 p. 77-79
  • 小田朋宏, 荒木啓二郎, 形式的仕様スケッチのためのウェブベース開発環境VDMPad (in printing), ソフトウェアシンポジウム2014論文集, 2014
  • T. Oda, K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, Markleft2: A Tool That Focuses on Visual Feedback of Alternatives for Plain Text Editing (in Japanese), Proceedings of The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artifial Interlligence (JSAI2013), 4E1-3, 2014
  • Hiroko Satoh, Tomohiro Oda, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Takeaki Uno, Hiroaki Tanaka, Satoru Iwata, Kouichi Ohno, Mining Molecule Project: Toward Interactive Visualization of Reaction Map, Interaction 2013, Interactive Presentation, Information Processing Society of Japan, Tokyo, March 2014.
  • T. Oda, K. Araki, Overview of VDMPad: An Interactive Tool for Formal Specification with VDM, International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering and Information Systems (ICASEIS2013), Jakarta, Nov, 2013
  • 佐藤寛子, 小田朋宏, 中小路久美代, 大野公一, 化学反応経路の全面探索の可視化とデータマイニングによる発見への取り組み, シンポジウム「化学反応経路探索のニューフロンティア2013」, 2013
  • T. Oda, K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, SOMETHINGit: Multi-Programming Languages Environment towards Live Prototyping (in Japanese), Proceedings of Software Symposium 2013, 2013
  • K. Nakakoji, T. Oda, Y. Yamamoto, Visual Interaction Design for Generating, Managing and Comparing Alternatives for Wording and Expressions while Writing (in Japanese), Proceedings of The 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2013), 4D1-05, 2013
  • T. Oda, K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, SOMETHINGit: A Prototyping Library for Live and Sound Improvisation, Proceedings of Workshop on Live Programming (LIVE) 2013, IEEE Press, San Francisco, CA., May, 2013
  • T. Oda, K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, Live Programming Environments as Media for Knowledge Transfer (in Japanese), 第十二回知識流通ネットワーク研究会, 人工知能学会, SIG-KSN-012-01, Tokyo, Japan, March 15, 2013.
  • 佐藤寛子, S.Borini, 小田朋宏, 中小路久美代, 大野公一 , GRRMによる化学反応経路探索とライブラリ化 (in Japanese), 「化学反応経路探索のニューフロンティア2012」, 2012
  • K. Nakakoji, T. Oda, Y. Yamamoto, Enriching Text Editing Experience by Dynamically Presenting the Text Analysis Information (in Japaense), Proceedings of The 26th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2012), 3L-1-R-12-7, pp.1-3, 2012
  • T. Oda and K. Nakakoji, Pcard : a Framework for Poly-Centric Asyncronous Re-distribution of Data for Individuals (in Japaense), IEICE technical report Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 111(310) (20111114),2011
  • K. Aihara, H. Koshiba, T. Oda, Y. Nishinaka, N. Matsubara, H. Takeda, User Modeling based on Behavior Logs and its Exploitation for Development of e-Space (in Japaense), Proceedings of Forum on Information Technology 2010 (FIT2010), vol.9(4), pp.421-426, 2010
  • H. Koshiba, K. Aihara, T. Oda, T. Hoshi, N. Matsubara, A Proposal of Persuasibility-based Recommender: Modeling of Persuasibility of Content Creators (in Japanese), Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, vol.51(8), pp.1452-1468, 2010
  • H. Koshiba, K. Aihara, J. Mori, T. Oda, T. Hoshi, N. Matsubara, H. Takeda, Blog Authoring Support System with Lifelog-aided Blog Template Generation (in Japanese), Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, vol.51(1), pp.63-81, 2010
  • T.Oda, K.Aihara, H.Koshiba, Persuasive Navigation Mechanisms for Consumer Generated Media, 2009 Symposium on Interactive Visual Information Collections and Activity (IVICA2009), 2009
  • H. Koshiba, K. Aihara, J. Mori, H. Takeda, T. Oda, T. Hoshi, N. Matsubara, A Proposal of Persuasibility-based Recommender : On Relationships among Users based on Integrated Behavior Logs at "Puratto-Plat@Jiyugaoka" (in Japanese), Proceedings of Forum on Information Technology 2009 (FIT2009), vol.8(4), pp.31-42, 2009
  • T. Oda, N. Matsubara, T. Hoshi, K. Aihara, H. Koshiba, J. Mori, H. Takeda, Implementation of CGM Server Generated from Users' Behaviors Developed and Operated in puratto-plat@jiyugaoka (in Japanese), Proceedings of Forum on Information Technology 2009 (FIT2009), vol.8(4), pp.285-290, 2009
  • J. Mori, K. Aihara, H. Koshiba, H. Takeda, T. Oda, N. Matsubara, T. Hoshi, Inferring Sentimental Context of Town Visitors using Environmental Features (in Japanese), Proceedings of Forum on Information Technology 2009 (FIT2009), vol.8(4), pp.291-294, 2009
  • T. Oda, Y. Yamamoto and K.Nakakoji, Use-Centric Information Re-presentation for Creative Knowledge Work, 2006 Symposium on Interactive Visual Information Collections and Activity (IVICA2006), 2006
  • T.Oda, EDS: a Simulation and Animation Platform based on Terrain Data, International Symposium on Future Software Technology (ISFST 2000), 2000
  • T.Oda, The ESS System: Embedded Specification executor for Smalltalk, International Symposium on Future Software Technology'99 (ISFST 1999), 1999
  • T.Oda, Smalltalk Free Libraries for Graphics Application, International Symposium on Future Software Technology'97 (ISFST 1997), 1997
  • T. Oda, K. Araki, Slicing Z Specifications, Proc. Kunming International CASE Symposium, pp.6B.3-6B.10, 1994.
  • T. Oda, K. Araki, Application of Slicing Technique to Formal Specifications, Proc. Joint Conference on Software Engineering '93, pp.203-210, 1993.
  • T. Oda, K. Araki, Specification Slicing in Formal Methods of Software Development, Proceedings of 17th Computer Software and Applications Conference (CompSAC'93), pp.313-319, 1993.
  • T. Oda, K. Araki, Development of Functional Programming Language Systems Based on Formal Method, Proc. 1992 Int'l Computer Symposium, pp.85-91, 1992.
